Monday, July 28, 2008

Packing explanation

This got too long for a comment, which obviously means I talk too much...

I'm not moving, sorry for the confusion. The kids and I are going to be spending the month of August at my parents' place in New England. Jay can't get away for the whole month so I'm going over earlier with the kids - leaving the house at 3am for two back-to-back international flights - Tel Aviv-Rome (4 hours), a 3.5 hour layover, then Rome-Boston (another 8.5 hours), followed by a two hour drive. I liked it SO much better when they lived in NY - one non-stop flight, a short hop by car and you're there. I must admit it cracks me up when people worry and fret about flying with two parents and a single child on a two-hour domestic hop. Our total travel time will be about 24 straight hours and will involve two international flights, three countries, and a two hour car journey. Oh, and airport security and baggage checks and all of that too. On Alitalia, which is not exactly known for being overly punctual or hassle-free. Yes, we'll be traveling with several different forms of electronic entertainment, since not only do we have crappy flights none of the planes we're taking in either direction have personal video screens, which would have made this mom and her two kids (did I mention I'm traveling alone?) VERY happy. At least we ordered the tickets long enough ago that we beat the fair increases and actually got an excellent deal. Jay is a champ at scoring cheap airline tickets.

Re the packing itself, I would normally start the day before too, but my cleaner will be here all day so I won't really have the space - I tend to seriously spread out as I pack. I know, I know, sort of an oxymoron isn't it. (Or should that just be the second half of the word LOL?). To compound things, I have an insane day Wednesday and won't really be home at all, which left me with just today and tomorrow.

Fun fun fun...

I would happily give up a kidney for one of those Star Trek Beam Me Up Scotty thingamajigs.


Leora said...

No, that doesn't sound like fun. When I was single, I was flying from Boston, so I needed to do stopovers in Europe. But it was fun to stop in London or Zurich. If I had kids with me, that would be a whole 'nother story.

Too bad you can't afford Swiss Air. Then this would be a different post.

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm glad you are staying for a month. You almost have to to justify travelling 24 hours to get there! :) Are you taking your laptop or will be all be missing you?

Phyllis Sommer said...

ack! i'm stressed out just reading all that...but i know it will be a great journey...

when you get a star trek transporter, let me know, k? i'll use it to come visit you.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to spend any time nearby? Maybe we could get together? I'd love to finally put a face to the blog.

Robin said...

I'll have the laptop Angie, I'll have to work a few hours each week while I'm gone.

I may Margalit, I'm not sure yet. My sister lives not too far from you and we're thinking of visiting for a bit towards the end of the month.

Unknown said...

Wow... I absolutely can't imagine trying to do a 24 hour jaunt with my kids. I think I would explode from frustration.

Good luck to you. :)

Carol Anne said...

Ah, now I understand why we won't be seeing you this time around. I didn't realize you parents had moved to New England. Bummer! If you find yourself in NYC, please let me know! Heck I'd travel to southern New England to see you too!!!

Gilit Frank said...

Look at the positive. It's not winter. You don't have to pack parkas AND bathing suits.

Anonymous said...

Ahem- I'm in NE..less than 2 hours from Logan airport. Hint hint nudge nidge

Robin said...

Hint taken ;-). We've got a bunch of relative stuff going on, but hopefully will have time for escaping from parents, err, I mean hanging out with friends too.

Robin said...

DARCY!!! Will call you as soon as I arrive, How great it would be to finally meet...

I've deleted your comment so your info doesn't stay out there for all to see.