Thursday, July 31, 2008

TT - 13 Things I haven't packed yet

It's midnight on Wednesday here. The kids and I leave tomorrow night to fly to the States for a month-long visit. Here are just 13 of the many things which have yet to make it into a suitcase (notice, Mother in Israel, that I didn't say "the suitcase", it's just not gonna happen...):

1. My shoes, various pairs (sandals, sneakers, water shoes for boating, dressier sandals, crocs...)

2. Books for the kids

3. Maya's favorite toys (keeping those out until the last minute)

4. DVD player

5. Laptop

6. Camera and lenses

7. Bathing suits (oh damn, I forgot to wash them! Be right back!)

8. A sweatshirt

9. Toiletries

10. Empty water bottles to fill after we pass security

11. Itai's jeans (need to wash those too - he needed them for a play he was in tonight)

12. Maya's pajamas (have to go throw those in the dryer right now)

and last but not least, since it wouldn't be an Around the Island family trip without some kind of last minute medical emergency:

13. Loratidine for Itai - to stop the allergic reaction he just developed tonight on day NINE of penicillin. He broke out in a rash from head to toe right at bedtime. Since I've got major life-threatening drug allergies myself we didn't take any chances and ordered a doctor's home visit immediately. The doctor showed up at 10 o'clock tonight and examined Itai right in his bed - while he slept! Since I'd already had a phone consult with a doctor (love that supplemental insurance) and was pretty confident of what was happening I was clever enough (patting self on back) to make sure that the doctor arrived with a few samples of the correct medicine to save me a trip to the all-night pharmacy. I ground up the pill and dissolved it in a bit of water (it's time to teach Itai to swallow pills) and woke him up just long enough to drink it down. He'll get another dose tomorrow night and should then be fine to travel, but I'll have a stash of additional pills just in case. Never a dull moment around here. One of my children is ALWAYS, and I do mean always, sick right before a major international trip. Still, it could have been a lot worse. My own penicillin allergy put me in the hospital for a full week with a very rare and severe reaction that even today causes doctors to gasp.

I'd better get to bed now. The workers will be arriving at 5am (oh how I wish I was kidding) to finish the work on the roof and I still have a slew of packing (not to mention working) to do tomorrow.

Have a great Thursday everyone, and I'll be around to visit as soon as I can.


SJ Reidhead said...

Have a safe trip, and a good time.

Wouldn't it be easier to just buy some things once you reach your destination - hit Target or Wallyworld for cheap swimsuits, sneakers, that sort of thing?

I've started shipping things ahead (domestic travel) even when going by car. It is so much easier!

The Pink Flamingo

anthonynorth said...

Good luck to you there :-)

pussreboots said...

Do you really need all those shoes and the DVD player? It just sounds like too much stuff to lug around. Happy travels.

Irene said...

Have a great trip!!!

Hootin Anni said...

A month? Wow....that sounds like a heavenly trip. Have fun...oodles of fun!!!

My 13 is posted...drop by and have a laugh or two! Won't you?

Anonymous said...

Have an awesome trip!!

So glad you were able to bring Itai's reaction under control. It's just like my kids getting sick when my husband travels. Never fails.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Have a safe trip, my friend! I hope the airlines treat you well... that's an iffy thing anymore, sad to say.

Pretty Life Online said...

Great choice for TT! mine' s up too hope you can drop by... Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Oh cool! I wondered where you were going! :) If you are in my neck of the woods, I hope you'll give me a ring/plurk/email. I'd love to see you!

Have a wonderful safe trip! :)


pjazzypar said...

Have a nice vacation.

Janet said...

I hope Itai will be fine; and oh, I remember back in the day when doctors made house calls here!

aMus said...

been here after a long time... conincidentally i had been off on a 6 week vacation...

it's sad when kids fall sick before a trip..hope he feels better enough to enjoy the trip...

have a great trip...

Anonymous said...

God bless you and your family.
Have a safe and joyful trip.

SandyCarlson said...

Enjoy your journey, Robin! God bless, and may good health and pleasure be yours.

Anonymous said...

Hon, good luck on your trip. I wish I was closer to the east coast; I'd love to get together with you. I know you have so much on your plate right now as you get ready to go. Have a good and safe trip babe.

Lilibeth said...

Travel mercies to you. I'm glad that Itai is better and they you can enjoy the old US of A.

bernieg1 said...

Wow that is an awful lot to try to get into a suitcase. I am sure you will need more than one! Have a great time on your vacation.

My 34th TT is up: 13 comments you can make to your physician while he's performing a colonoscopy on you. Here's the link.

anymommy said...

Finally making it over after teasing you by tweet. I bet you are having a long, sleepless night. It will all get done. Happy travels!

Kim said...

Have a great trip! I hope Itai has no lasting effects from his reaction. Kim

Anonymous said...

Doctor home visits and all night pharmacy. Ooooh, that would be awesome!

Have a safe trip babe!

Robin said...

SJR - we're going to be a bit out in the sticks, so a quick jaunt to Target is possible but not around the corner. Besides, I'd rather blow my shopping budget on things for this coming year instead of duplicating what they've already got. We're only bringing one suitcase and one duffel bag for the three of us (plus carry-ons) so it's not all that much, just a pain to organized.

Sarah - I'm traveling 24 straight hours alone with two young children who aren't big readers on planes without personal video screens. A portable dvd player isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. My own sanity depends on it LOL!

Claudia - sorry, we'll be on the other side of the country

Yes, we love that house call option. It's covered by our supplemental (private) insurance, as are the phone consults. We've utilized both a number of times.

Gotta go, more work to do. Thanks everyone for coming by.

~RaenWa~ said...

Have a sfe trip & I hope you all have a wonderful visit Happy TT

Anonymous said...

a sweatshirt?! i'm assuming you're visiting one of the northern states because you'd melt into a puddle if you came to, oh...say, Texas. we're hitting 100 degrees today! bleh.

Robert said...

That is quite the list. But I'm glad to see the laptop and camera with lenses made the list. That means we'll get uninterrupted blog service from you. Well, except for all the flying that is. Have a great trip. :)

storyteller said...

I certainly don’t envy you the work to follow through with all this packing, but I hope your journey is delightful and well worth the preparatory effort. Glad to know you’re packing your laptop ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Laura Paxton said...

Hope the trip goes well, that you got everything accomplished, and that all are well!

Happy T13!

Munchkins and Music said...

I just saw your blog for the first time. Very cute island theme. It is true, everyone always hangs around the kitchen! Have fun on your trip!

Anonymous said...

Hope you're closer to being down packing now.

Trish said...

I hope you have a wonderful trip and that Itai is recovered very soon. We had to take our son to the Emergency Room last night for a rash, which turned out to be nothing serious, and he slept through the whole thing as well!

Tink *~*~* said...

Wishing you a safe and uneventful trip, followed by a good time visiting!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Genny said...

Hope you are having a fun trip, Robin. A And I hope your son is better from his allergic reaction. No fun!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh NO about the allergic reaction. Hope you remember everything you want to bring! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! Have a safe trip. Which part of the USA will you be in?

Hugs to you,

Shannon said...

Packing is the worst part, I swear. And with roofers and life-threatening allergies, I can imagine it is hell. Glad Itai is OK!

Robin said...

We're up in New England Linda :).