Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Highchair as art space

So many people are in a hurry to get rid of their highchairs and reclaim that valuable kitchen real estate.

I'm not one of them.

My younger child is nearly four and our highchair is still in daily use. I got a fairly solid, durable one, and I'm guessing from the way children much too old for highchairs argue over it that it's fairly comfortable. (No, she's not strapped in. In fact, she climbs in and out -- over the top of the tray -- completely on her own, which nearly gave me a heart attack the first hundred or so times.) I would have gotten rid of the highchair years ago if I hadn't discovered it's alter-ego - messy art space. Young children have a tendency to ignore conventions like "please don't draw on the table" or "the paint belongs on the paper". Having them do these messier art projects while they're in a highchair keeps that mess contained, and when they're done the whole tray gets popped right in the sink to be hosed down. Those little wells for cups make great holders for cups of water for painting too, and they're much less likely to be knocked over that way. The tray even keeps all those little tiny bits of playdough fairly contained.

Check out Rocks In My Dryer for more great parenting tips.


Kathy said...

That's such a fab idea. I wouldn't have thought of it at all.

LaLa said...

Ha ha..we are such opposites. We brought Annslee home at 13 months and used on for about a month...they get food all in them..yuck. The art idea is smart but too late now LOL

Anonymous said...

Great idea!

SAHMmy Says said...

Great idea! Regret now that I cheaped out and bought a foldable high chair--40 pounds of preschooler would definitely strain it! I'm going to modify your idea and let the baby go to it using food as art! Thanks for the tip!

Reighnie said...

That's a great idea for small kids.