13 Classic Summer Songs, guaranteed to get you smiling and singing along
(in random order)
1. Summer Nights - Grease
2. Summertime, Summertime - Jamies
3. Summer in the City - Loving Spoonful
4. School's Out - Alice Cooper
5. Surfin USA - Beach Boys
6. Saturday In The Park - Chicago
7. Up On The Roof - Drifters
8. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini - Bryan Hyland
9. Summer Of '69 - Bryan Adams
10. Downtown - Petula Clark
11. Daydream Believer - Monkees
12. Boys of Summer - Don Henley ("I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac" is still one of my favorite lines ever)
13. Kokomo - Beach Boys
There. You're smiling now, aren't you? Good, I knew you would be.
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Oh gosh Summer in the City is my song this summer: hot, hot, hot and then NIGHT! And in my city night is always young!
Thanks for your lovely comment :)
Great idea for a TT! Selections 1, 3, 4,6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 are some of my favorite summer songs.
Summer of '69 was one of my first favorite songs. I could not tell you why, it must have been a subconscious Bryan Adams crush I'm still in denial about.
But to this day I'll turn it up if I find some station playing it.
Now I've got to see if the video is on You Tube. :)
I'm definitely smiling! And humming the songs. eeded that, because the summer isn't much over here... :-( In the summertime.... ;-)
My TT is about BED.
What an awesome list. A lot of those I danced Tap and Jazz to when I was a kid.
Happy TT!
Yep, I'm smiling! And wishing I was at the beach instead of working!
Great list! Classic choices.
I'd add "Under the Boardwalk" but it would ruin the numbering system.
LOVE Summer of '69, but WOW, you're taking me back.
Happy TT!
I love Boys of Summer. There is something about that song that always gets to me everytime I hear it.
Great list!
what a great bunch of songs!!!
So sad it's almost over. Although, we started our school year mid-July.
My fav. would by Kokomo. I just saw a great military spoof video on this called Kosovo.
Happy TT,
Great list! I watched Grease the other night with my 12 y/o daughter and she loved it.
I WAS smiling until you had to throw that horrid, wussy Beach Boys song into the mix. Ugh. That one can fade into obscurity for all I care.
Now, Don Henley on the other hand... THAT song rocks. And would you believe that some chick covered it and changed the Deadhead sticker to something else??? THE NERVE, I say. The nerve!
(btw, it's next week. And wait until you see the fun we're brewing!)
I love Under the Boardwalk and Kokomo, but I've never heard of #2 and #12. Fun list and a great trip down memory lane.
My TT is about my sumner travels.
I'm not a Beach Boys fan, but Don Henley's "Boys of Summer" - that song is awesome!
However, the Ataris covered it and changed that line to "a black flag sticker on a Cadillac" or something ilke that.
Happy TT and thanks for visiting my list.
Downtown always comes to mind when I go into the city.
Thanks for visiting my TT.
#13 is one of my favourites.
Boy, did this TT list bring back memories! Liked instantly getting whisked back to some very special summers. You're right--it definitely did bring a smile to my face. :-)
My TT features 13 mini-excerpts from my books. :-)
You are so right...I'm grinning from ear-to-ear...Kokomo took the smile to the edges :)
i was singing "summer in the City" this morning on my way to work! Great list!
thanks for stopping by my TT.
Smiling--yup! I especially love the Beach Boys.
Mine's up, too.
I love your songs!!! Great list!
Thanks for all the memories! What a wonderful list!
Great list. :)
cool idea! love that school's out for the summer song (great now i'll have that stuck in my head all day)! :)
Yes indeed...those always make me wax nostalgic about my misspent youth. And a nice time of year here to talk about them, as hot as it is.
RYC: If I'm pukey sick, I wouldn't read food books but with a cold, it works ok. With the stomach mess, I try to read anything that will distract me. :-)
Happy Thursday!
Every time I hear Kokomo it makes me long for the beach! One day I'm going to have a beach house and name it Kokomo.
yes I am smiling and wishing it WAS summer here lol
Happy TT day to you.
These were perfect! Number 12 is the best! Lately, I've grown to appreciate most of the lyrics of The Eagles. Thank you for the new songs to hum today.
How cool that you used one of the banners I made. Thank you for letting me know. It's so exciting to see something I've done on someone else's site. It was just the right one for your list today.
Happy TT
Could this list be the reason why the people in my office are getting grumpy with me right now for singing "Winter Wonderland"? :)
Love Summertime songs.
Kokomo and Up on the Roof would be my favorites along with Summer of '69.
Great list of songs.
Kokomo is one of my all-time favorites...reminds me of Tom Cruise before he went crazy! :)
Yep....you got me singing:)
oh yes !! good TT I relate all those to summer and most of them to a time in my life.
This list takes me back all right. Great idea for an end of summer T13---and thanks for visiting ours!
I know most of those songs! And you are right! I totally sing along to them. My favorites are 1 and 13. (;
I think I need to make a mix CD now, great list!
I'll take a serving of #1 #9 and #12!
Nobody ever does a song list where I know all the songs... that was so cool. Thanks.
I love #3. Did they do What A Day For A Daydream too?
Yup, that was Lovin' Spoonful too.
I love "Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my miiiinnnndddd" Seals and Crofts...
Virginia - if you check back to read comments, I tried to leave one on yours but it's "restricted to team members"?
Oh thanks for the great songs and the memories they induced! I can sing about half of these by heart...
I LOVE some of those songs!
GREASE is still a favorite movie of mine, and the Beach Boys~who doesn't like the Beach boys?
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