Maya turned four years old today. We had a lovely, low-key celebration with just a couple of close friends. When asked whether she'd had a nice birthday, Maya summed it up by saying "I had a cake that was a clown, and I foo'd the candles! Are there more presents?" Funny girl...
She pored over my cake books for weeks before finally deciding on a clown for today.


The biggest hit of the day was the hot pink Tweety Bird pillow she got from her brother. No surprise there - she's been stopping by the toy store several times a week for the past month to "visit" it!

For her preschool party next Friday she'll be sharing with another boy, a good friend, and they're both thrilled to bits to be celebrating together. Come back next week for more pictures, including what will hopefully be an adorable flower cake with cookie petals.
Cute! I love tweety too and the cake is adorable. Happy Birthday Maya Mouse!
That is so cute. Thank you for sharing your wonderful day with us :o)
Happy Birthday Maya.
I love this:
"I foo'd the candles"
I can see it now =)
happy birthday to your little girl...so adorable. and what a great cake! you are so talented...
Happy Birthday Maya Mouse!!
The cake is too cute.
Hope you have a super spectacular day!
What a cute cake! Maya and I share the same birthday!
Awwww, she is the cutest! The grow up sooo fast, don't they?!
Happy Birthday sweet Maya, you are growing up so fast!
Now I feel really, really bad for forgetting. I noted it down the other day and it just went out of my mind. Sorry.
Hippy happy hoppy birthday Miss M. I love the photos!
Don't feel badly for even a split second Jo. You have more than enough to worry about right now without trying to keep track of your friend's child's birthday.
Big hugs my friend.
Happy birthday to Maya! My girl is also turning four this year, in December.
Wonderful cake you made! She's a lucky girl to have a mom like you.
Happy belated birthday, Maya!
Happy Happy Belated Birthday Maya!!!!
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