Enjoy, and I promise I won't object if you feel compelled to leave a comment telling me how freaking cute my kids are.
Maya looking very pleased with herself after bobbing for an apple (if you can call using your hands to push it into your mouth bobbing that is)

Ms. Flintstone herself (note the feet, not to mention that the car itself is older than dirt)

Enjoy that smile now, he plans to be a goalie!

Oooh! I get to be first to say how freaking cute your kids are!
Love the smile, and O has the exact same car. His looks about the same, it's a hand me down from M. She got it for her first birthday!
Itai looks great on those skates!! Cool.
"bobbing for seasonal fruit"
Your kids are cute as always!
Unquestionably cute!
Those are some great photos, Robin.
Maya looks like she's really enjoying that apple. And look at Itai, he looks so cool on his skates.
Your children are very cute.
You children are simply gorgeous. You definitely have bragging rights there ;o) Glad the Halloween party went so well!
Do you think bobbing for seasonal fruit would work for vegetables and meat? Might be onto something there....
Glad you all had a wonderful time! And yes, your kids are absolutely adorable (not blowing smoke babe, they truly are... or I would have said 'Like the car/skates/dress' :))
No need to sugar-coat this comment... your kids truly are adorable - such fun pictures, and it sounds like a great time was had by all! I think it's awesome that you introduced a bit of American culture to friends there, I'm sure everyone enjoyed it, and probably thought it was all a bit strange (most things we do here are hard to explain :-) Kids will never resist an opportunity to collect free candy - neither will I! Thanks for sharing happy thoughts - they brighten my day!
i do feel compelled -- they are adorable!
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