...squeeze more juice.
Seriously, if you want to get more juice out of a lemon, stick it in the microwave for just a few seconds first (10-15) to warm it slightly. Then, when you take it out, roll it firmly back and forth on the counter a few times (as if you were rolling out dough) before squeezing. You'll find that you get a lot more juice from each lemon.
Check out Rocks in my Dryer to see what works for everyone else.
A great idea as I use lemon juice often with my fish.
I'm afraid if I put lemon juice in my fish bowl, he'll die. *wink*
Thanks for the tip Robin, I'll ty it.
That's neat. I love it when you post these tips. I used the candle with the onions trick last week and it really seemed to work!
I'm glad to hear that they're useful for you :-).
This week's apparently wasn't a very sexy one, not much interest in lemons apparently LOL.
I love lemons, lemon juice, lemonade, etc. Rolling the lemons really does work. I'll have to try the microwave trick too. Thanks!!
I just caught this post, I have to try this out...thanks.
Cool trick, never would have known about it :)
What a great kitchen hint. By the way, Halloween isn't celebrated here in Australia (officially) but it's becoming more common to see Halloween decorations on homes now.
I'm sure you and your parents will celebrate it in vintage style.
Enjoyed my first visit here .....
Thanks Dave, now that you're here kick off your shoes and stay a while. Drinks and nibbles are on the side table ;-).
Lemons are also good for getting those feisty odors out of microwaves and garbage disposals.
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