Thursday, December 13, 2007

TT - 13 things about cookies

Since there are millions of cookies baking around the world this time of year, here are 13 well and lesser known facts about cookies:

1. C is for Cookie debuted in 1971.

2. Chocolate chip cookies = love. Don't take my word for it, read the lyrics to the song.

3. They're always better raw.

4. Cookie-cutter cookies are like playdough for grownups

5. The Cookies were an all-girl R&B group in the 50's and 60's.

6. Who Took The Cookie From The Cookie Jar? has probably led more camp bus drivers to drink than any other song.

7. There seem to be a lot of lesson plans posted online that utilize cookies.

8. There are no calories in broken cookies - they've all leaked out.

9. Cookies given out as free samples have no calories either.

10. Cookies glommed at holiday parties because they're the easiest thing to eat while standing up definitely do have calories.

11. 7 Layer Cookies are the world's richest cookies, hands down.

12. A search for "cookie cookbooks" on Amazon turned up 473 different ones.

13. Even with all that, the very best ones are still chocolate chip cookies, fresh out of the oven.

* Image courtesy of Stock Food.


Maddy said...

There are so many fabulous cookies around this time of year. Need to squeeze that one onto my 'to do' list.
Best wishes

This is my calling card or link"Whittereronautism"until blogger comments get themselves sorted out.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with you on points 8 and 9! I would *love* to know what a 7-layer cookie is!!

Cynthia said...

Chocolate chip cookies are the best!

Tink said...

Yummyyyyy, cookies!!! Interesting facts. I need cookies now. :-)
My TT wishes you "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" in 13 European languages.

Unknown said...

Oh what I wouldn't give for a fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookie right now!

My Edition #7 is up!

My Thirteen Favorite Christmas Things

Drop by and I'll return the favor. Let's
share a nice cup of hot chocolate and some
great blogs this holiday season!



SusieJ said...

I will just say that my cookies turned out horrible this year. I envy anyone who can cut and deocrate a cookie.

Robin said...

I added the recipe for you Lis :). Mine is on an old hand-written recipe card, but this one I found looks pretty close.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate Chips cookies are my favorite too. If I had to choose a last would be included. : )

Sandee said...

I love number 4. Never thought of it that way. Great list. Have a wonderful TT. :)

Lori said...

What great info!! I adore cookies, especially when someone else bakes them;) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.

Chelle Y. said...

My mouth is drooling now,! :)

Chocolate Chip cookies are my favorite!

SJ Reidhead said...

I love cookie recipes and collecting holiday cookie magazines. That way I never bake 'em - a disaster in itself!

The Pink Flamingo

Nicholas said...

Everyone seems to like choc chip best. I must be an outsider with having oatmeal as my fave.

ellen b. said...

Oh I'm so happy to learn about the no calorie ones. From now on I'm only eating broken cookies! :)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Crap. My snowboarding pants don't snap and now all I want to do is mix up some cookie dough and not bake it.

Think I'd burn off enough calories if I mix the dough by hand?

Crimson Wife said...

Now you've gone and gotten me craving some peanut butter cookies, LOL!

tommie said...

Now i have that Cookie Monster song in my head!! Maybe I should go grab a cookie as well.

Greatfullivin said...

Oatmeal cashew is my favorite cookie. Thanks for all the info. (hope your dryer thing works out)

Courtney said...

Points 8 and 9 are what I have to remember come visiting parents and friends. Great list!

jenn said...

I love this post! And yes, Chocolate chip cookies are most definitely better raw!

I'm glad you didn't burn your house down!

Happy tt!

SandyCarlson said...

Great list. I remove calories and fat from the cookies I give away. Chocolate chip are indeed the best--no fuss, no strange colors, no weird shapes.
Writing in Faith

Jenny McB said...

Homemade with butter! That will be this weekend's project and so true about the 7 layer bars. I am good at eating the "crumbs" so the plate of bars always looks neat.

Head Gaggler said...

Mmmmm I love cookies (as I post with a bag of Chips Ahoy staring me in the face). I love fresh baked ones too. Great post.

Open Grove Claudia said...

I do love cookies. I never make them - or rarely - because of all the standing in the kitchen time. Right now, in Denver, the kitchen tile is really cold - probably not such an issue in Tel Aviv! ;)

Happy TT! Sorry about the dryer.

My TT is up A little kindness

Reiza said...

#3 ABSOLUTELY. Please explain this to my husband. He disagrees. He is, of course, wrong.

#8 and #9 are very useful bits of information to have. :-)

And yes, warm soft chocolate chips are by far, the best. Pardon me while I drool.

Shesawriter said...

Just what I needed to read ... with the diet I'm on and everything. :-)

Happy TT!!

of My Thursday Thirteen: 13 of the sexiest and/or most romantic love scene clips on film

Anonymous said...

Lets have a rousing cheer for #8.

And how long does it have to be broken before all the calories are gone? I need to know so I can smash them in time enough. -grin-

(my tt is a

Allison said...

Your list is making me hungry---and I still love your header picture!

Chocolate chip cookies are definitely #1---#2 for us seems to be Chocolate Peanut Butter No Bake! And it's becoming our trademark! We're making them for EVERYTHING. T worked hard to perfect them---

As per #9 on my list, hee hee:

Anonymous said...

* grin * Great list! I was just thinking of making some chocolate chip cookies earlier today.

I would need chocolate chips, though.


My TTs (Roads and RV) will be up in about four hours.

Not Afraid to Use It said...

Very cool list! I learned a lot!

Serina Hope said...

C is for Cookie is my favorite. Great 13!

Leah said...

Love them all..good to know about those non-calorie cookies, I love those too.

Natalie said...

Horray for 8 and 9!!!

My T13 post is up, come check it out if you get a chance. :)

pussreboots said...

My son and I like to bake together. Happy TT.

*Rae* said...

Great list I love CC cookies & I had 7 layer cookies for the first time ever last yr omg they were delicious Happy Holidays & Happy TT

Anonymous said...

Seven layer cookies...that can't be legal. ;)

I'm an oatmeal raisin girl, but chocolate chip does equal love. It's true.


damozel said...

Mmmm, cookies. I had a bag of chocolate covered gingerbread tonight. A whole bag. The only thing else I've had today was a piece of salmon.

Do I regret it? Not yet. But I WILL.

No politics today---just fun. The Flatland Almanack --Damozel

Gattina said...

I only like to eat cookies not to do them myself, lol !

Anonymous said...

Yummy. I LOVE 7 Layer cookies. I've often heard them referred to as Better than Sex cookies.

Pieces of Me said...

Oh, Robin... Thanks so much for sharing this.Now I want to make cookies. I loved eating raw cookies, but mom alays said how unhealthy that was. mmmmmmm.

Wylie Kinson said...

#8 is the code I live by!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

these are cool and I am a believer in #8 & #13 -excellent you make my cookie crumble

tanabata said...

I loved numbers 4, 8 and 9 and chocolate chip cookies are definitely the best!! :)

Darla said...

Oh, how terribly devious! Now I'm craving cookies.

Joyismygoal said...

Yumm welove cookies I have 30 people coming for a cookie exchange tonight. sorry about the dyer... maybe it heard from my washer that flooded my house yesterday

Zenmomma said...

Now I want to go bake some of the yummy stuff!

Aline de Chevigny said...

Were talking the cookie monster version of C is for Cookie right.Hehhehe Great TT


Denise Patrick said...

You are so right on "Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?"!! And, probably a few camp counselors, too.

Thanks for visiting my TT!

soleil said...

i love raw cookie dough. so yummy! the cookie song made me laugh. as a child, my friends and i would play that game whenever we'd be bored.

J. Lynne said...

And just today I was thinking I need to make cookies for a party next week.

Lori's Light Extemporanea said...

Raw is always best. I can never get my family to understand that. I don't want to touch cookies once they're baked.

I always thought it was "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" that drove bus drivers to drink. :-)

Nice TT!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't standing while you eat the cookies negate the calories? Happy TT!

Unknown said...

Yes, those 7 layer Cookies are the most delicious and sinfully rich cookies I've ever made. Thanks for sharing.

Christine@ AreWeThereYetMom

Janet said...

I like #s 8 & 9 :-)

Marilyn said...

Cookies are one of the very few things that I do very well. It is a major curse to my waist though.

I do hope the dryer is easy to fix.

Lea said...

Yep, choc chip has my vote!!! And I love raw cookie dough, nothing better...

Fourier Analyst said...

Oh yeah, chocolate chip, my fave. But fresh-baked cookies are the best, no matter what kind!