Thursday, December 20, 2007

TT - Favorite Pizza Toppings

In honor of my husband's never-ending quest for the perfect homemade pizza (culminating in the frying of my still fairly new oven this evening - he was sealing a new pizza stone, don't ask...), here are 13 great pizza toppings:

(Those of you who are kosher should probably look away now.)

1. Mushrooms

2. Onions

3. Pepperoni

4. Ham

5. Sausage (sadly completely unavailable in Israel, but I made up for that in Italy last month)

6. Olives (an Israeli favorite)

7. Corn (my son's favorite, I can take it or leave it)

8. Garlic

9. Ricotta cheese

10. Pesto and ricotta, hold the tomato sauce, a/k/a "green" pizza

11. Rocket (arugula)

12. Slivers of fresh Parmesan cheese

13. Marshmallows (no not really, I was just out of toppings and wanted to see if you were still reading)

What you did NOT find on the list were tomato slices, because I hate them, and pineapples. I grew up in NY after all, and no self-respecting NYer can condone pineapples on pizza. Corn and olives is quite enough of a stretch thankyouverymuch.


Anonymous said...

green or black olives? I love green -- the salt especially.
Pineapple is the one I have never tried.

Funny - mine's about burning calories!

Lori said...

Where's the beef? (smile) I've heard of pineapple and olives, but your mention of corn kinda threw me.

pjazzypar said...

I was right there with you until you got to the corn. I will also pass on th pesto and ricotta, arugula, and of course the marshmallows. You could have said anchovies instead. I don't eat them either, but they are a well known pizza topping. Happy TT.

Janet said...

having lived in Japan, I've had some really weird things on pizza, squid, octopus...I personally like mushrooms, olives, and corn!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Corn, particularly with barbecue sauce, green peppers, and maybe chicken is some good stuff. Yum.

I'm a bacon-and-black-olive girl, myself.

Kosher? What's that?

You may have to let the Tour Manager make you pizza when he's in town next month (!). He makes amazing pizza.

Sandee said...

Now I'm hungry for pizza. All sounds good to me, even the corn. Have a great TT. :)

ellen b. said...

Well it would be fun to try marshmallows as topping...not! Anyway I enjoy all the rest of the toppings but corn. I'm so glad you didn't list pineapple! :)

Nicholas said...

I completely agree with you, except for 6 and 7, and the less said about 13 the better!

Greatfullivin said...

I'm laughing about the marshmellows. You just made everyone want a pizza. Thanks!

Lori said...

Corn??? Really?? Ive never heard of that. You had me at Marshmellows...I was like.."WHAT?" Happy TT. Great list.

Lynn said...

I love pepperoni! But then you got me at marshmallows. Thought there's already one coz from where I am, mangoes become pizza toppings and so are pork.

Country Dawn said...

I LOVE whole cloves of garlic on pizza... mmm!

My TT is about family christmas traditions!

SandyCarlson said...

I have an Italian friend who just won't do the candied yams at Thanksgiving because his family won't sit down to a dinner with candy in it! So I guess the marshmallows wouldn't fly on pizza, either!

Malcolm said...

Corn on pizza is a new one for me. I am pretty much a meat and cheese man. Bacon, sausage, ham, etc. I am with you in regards to pineapples on pizza. I worked at a pizza place for a few weeks and was surprised at how popular pineapple was as a topping.

Anonymous said...

This one just made my mouth water. Hunnnngry now! Thanks! LOL

Secret Agent Mama's TT

Shesawriter said...

I love everything but the marshmallows and corn. Ick.

Happy TT!

My Thursday Thirteen #5

Anonymous said...

Corn? Really? Wow.

I've had pineapple but not my thing. BBQ Chicken however...yum

Happy TT


Anonymous said...

Marshmallows? Corn? *tummy churns* *L* Just kidding. I'm open to trying them out.

Where are the anchovies? They're great with pineapples!

Happy TT!

Joyismygoal said...

Yum mine is tomatoes and mushrooms

Anonymous said...

Why...why do you sound surprised that sausage isn't available? I'm more surprised that you can get ham and pepperoni!
And I'm afraid Chicago-style pizza flat-out trumps your NYC style. Mmmm...hungry now...

Claremont First Ward said...

Marshmallows should definitely not be on pizza. And, I detest pinapple on it too.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you pineapple is a fruit and it has no place on a pizza.

Years ago we had one with asparagus on it. It was called a moon pizza. Forgot all about it! Thanks for th reminder :)


SJ Reidhead said...

Pineapple and ham!
The Pink Flamingo

Anonymous said...

Marshmallows might be really tasty on a pizzert. Yum-o!

If you would like to, stop by and check out my 13 Reasons I Should Be Getting a Promotion for Christmas Regardless of my Gender.

Happy TT!

pussreboots said...

I don't do sausage. It doesn't agree with me. And after my daughter was born I seem to have become mildly intolerant to mushrooms. So they are out.

Some of my favorite toppings include: artichoke hearts, tomatoes and spinach.

Happy TT.

*Rae* said...

Great choices I agree with 1,3,4,5,& 6(black only) Ive never tried corn or ricotta cheese on a pizza I agree I hate tomatoes and pineapples on a pizza doesnt seem right lol

candyQ said...

I'm with you on everything except 10... I think I prefer them on pasta. Same goes for tomato slices :o) I can tolerate the pineapple but I've never had corn on my pizza! :o)

Anonymous said...

Interesting and different toppings. I had never heard of corn and marshmallows before.

mother in israel said...

You forgot my favorite--spinach. Also instead of tomato sauce.

Robin said...

Jay also said I forgot that one. I didn't - I don't particularly like it ;-). I did forget 4 cheese though. Now that's heaven on a plate.

Darla said...

Here in Germany, it's very common to have egg on top of the pizza--a raw egg is cracked on the pizza before it goes in the oven, and apparently when the egg is done, so is the pizza. I haven't tried it yet, though--it just seems too odd.

Phyllis Sommer said...

i never did understand the israeli thing with corn pizza. i am a fan of the pineapple, tho...

this post made me hungry!

Hootin Anni said...

Well, we could concoct a graham cracker crust pizza and add chocolate sauce and melt it "S'more pizza please"

Happy 13ing.

Robin said...

They do that egg thing in France, too. I tried it once - accidentally, it just appeared on my pizza - but I have to say I'm not a fan.

Love the S'More Pizza idea though.

Amanda said...

Mmm... pizza... my favorite toppings are mushrooms and green peppers only, and burn the cheese. Oh, yeah!

(For NY style pizza with well-done cheese, you can brush it with garlic butter, or just spray with pam before putting it in the oven--that darkens the cheese beautifully.)

BTW, I hear you on seasoning the pizza stone--I had an oven fire once doing that!

Hope your DH loves pizza on the stone.

Mel said...

My two love red pesto sauce on their pizzas instead of tomato sauce.

I have to say I do love a mushroom, pineapple and red onion pizza - though gorgonzola is good too!

Anonymous said...


I have never had pineapple on my pizza; it sounds too disgusting! I love artichokes on mine. ;-)

Lis Garrett

Head Gaggler said...

Those sound all good, minus the marshmallows. I love olives on my pizza too.

Anonymous said...

Can I add anchovies? Puh-leeese???

Fairly Odd Mother said...

I normally hate black olives but love them on pizza. Go figure. Never thought of corn! I also like shrimp on a nice, white, garlicky pizza.

Anonymous said...

I really like anchovies. Especially when I am searching for salt.

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo picky. I Only eat cheese on my pizza!


Shelly Kneupper Tucker said...

I'm not playing this time around, because I can't figure out how to comment (even with the open ID "thang"...somebody save me!). But, I didn't realize New Yorkers have a bias against pineapples. I guess I should probably not say that I always order pineapple on mine.
Hey marshmallows on pizza isn't too big of a stretch. There are some pizza places around here that sell "dessert pizzas," with cinnamon and sugar on them...why not chocolate and marshmallows for "s'more pizza?"
Don't steal that idea and market it! I thought of it first!!!
This Eclectic Life

Cynthia said...

Wow, corn...never heard of that one. Great list!

Unknown said...

Marshmallow goes good on a cookie pizza...I was reading.
Corn is a new one, and I just discovered what rocket was from a pal who gave me a recipe for a pizza with hummus I plan to try. Olives - green or black?
Great list.
Mine is up, hope you'll stop by.

Believer in Balance said...

I never had corn on pizza, but I agree with you about the pineapple!

Patti said...

You had me up until corn. What?!?! No thank you!! I love olives so I think I would love lots of olives on my pizza. I don't even know what rocket is so I'm not sure about that. And I don't really like pesto. BUT I do like ham and pineapple pizza. :) Now I'm hungry for pizza! Gotta go! ;)

Jen said...

You had me with the marshmallows! And now I am craving garlic and cheese and olives...mmmm!

Denise Patrick said...

Great list. I like all of them except the mushrooms!! LOL Although, I don't think I'd like corn on my pizza.

Thanks for visiting my TT - and, I knew the story of the singing in the trenches, but I didn't know there was a song. I'll have to find it.


Robin said...

I've got a link to it in this post Denise. (I'll go post this on your blog too.)

Aline de Chevigny said...

Wow I always have trouble picking 3 LOL


Richard Wells said...

Turkey and/or chicken sausage make a good substitute for pork. It's all in the seasonings and the fat content. Some can be a little dry, but the good ones are juicy. Sorry, but pineapple on pizza is an abomination (and I think corn comes in a close second.) LOL though - especially on the marshmallows.

Shameless self-promotion, have a look at my Pasta Files: PASTA FILES

Holly said...

My favorite is a White pizza - white cheeses with spinach. Yum!

Happy TT-13, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!



damozel said... I would like to try it with corn, which has never occurred to me. I just had my first Hawaiian pizza and it was surprisingly tasty...which I wouldn't have expected. thanks for visiting mine

13 Extraordinary Winter scenes

Julia said...

I normally have pepperoni and sauces with pineapple, olives, mushroom.

I never heard of corn on pizza..really? :)

Happy TTs! I hope you have a good day :)

L^2 said...

Corn?! Hmmm... never had that, but #10, the green pizza sounds good.

Pepperoni or just cheese is usually my favorite. :-)

Lea said...

Thank God and all that is Holy that you didn't list pineapple... I might pass on the marshmallows though, unless on a graham cracker crust with chocolate sauce...

Anonymous said...

Corn?! Thats new to me! (And I don't think I'll be trying that one either lol)

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT idea for a 13! The 13th made me giggle.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I love pineapple on pizza! Also olives, but usually not on the same pizza. Mmm - yummy TT.

MaR said...

I love spinach and mushrooms as pizza toppings :)
And I am so hungry for pizza now and it's only 8am!

Anonymous said...

* chuckle *

Try peanuts; or Chinese chicken; or Thai chicken; or baked beans. Yes, baked beans. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

My TT was about the solstice. :)


Pieces of Me said...

Pizza immediately conjures up 'rays' - nothing like it. I love your toppings. I always end up ordering plain slices - I wonder why that is??

With that said, thanks for all your yummy links and cool friends. I enjoy checking them out.

Robin said...

God I miss Ray's - 1 slice with mushrooms please. The way they put that extra layer of cheese over the toppings... Heaven on a greasy paper plate.

deedee said...

My favorite pizza has Italian thinly sliced pancetta type ham and rocket sald. The best I ever had was in northern Italy. I am like your husband, on an endless quest for the best pizza ever!

Fourier Analyst said...

Marshmallows?! Okay, you were joking! In Germany I was introduced to something (it is also in Italy) I had never had on a pizza ...tunafish! Together with onions. It is fantastic! And a great variation is to use bechemel sauce instead of tomato sauce. Sounds strange, but it really delicious.

And yes, pineapple is something I just cannot imagine doing to a pizza!