That's what I've been doing this evening after going through all of the (old and very dusty) books on our bookshelf. We're doing a bit of rearranging in the back room, which required the emptying out and moving of the bookshelves and the resulting stacking of a whole damn bunch just a few incredibly dusty pristinely clean and well-kept books haphazardly all over the floor, blocking access to half the room and several closet doors in neat and organized piles for an eternity 3 days while we put the rest of the room back together.
It wasn't all for naught though, we did manage to weed out a fair number of books which will now be enjoying a renewed lease on life among Tel Aviv's foreign workers, who are always hungry for English reading material.
Why the sepia? Many of these books were so old and dusty that they looked practically antique already, so I decided they'd be perfect for the inaugural edition of Mary the Teach's new Sepia Scenes photo prompt (which I will join officially as soon as I wake up - ahh, the wonders of scheduled posts...).
.What do you think? Are you feeling that old-timey sepia love?
totally feeling it! Where do you find these photo challenges?
Oh I love the sepia tones!
I love the sepia tones. I don't envy you this task. I have a hard time getting rid of books. I decided to keep only those that fit on the shelf...and then I found new ways to make them all fit!
I'm such a huge fan of takes me back and forces me to focus more on composition and less on color.
Good on ya for the cleanup. I think I'm inspired!
Oh, new Thematic Photographic theme is up. Happy. Happy indeed.
Ah, but the treasures you uncover.
Books in sepia works perfect for the sepia tone :)
Oh my! Those are tons of books! But I love books:) Good Luck on the rearranging! :)
Ohhh those books look great in sepia!!! That meme is a wonderful idea, I think I'll join too!
Well-done--both the pic and the organization!
Sepia fits the subject well.
Oh how I identify with having too many books. My husband and I have them everywhere. I need to do a major cull myself! You are an inspiration. ;-)
Nice subject for the theme :O)
Books are a great subject, I did a bit of improvisation...
Have a lovely day!
Love the sepia but what I'm feeling is the need to clean off all my bookshelves! Ugh. Hope your project goes well :0)
Wow, you have a great collection. I'm a bookseller, and it's so hard to give up books, but I really never mind donating them, either. I just can't sell them.
the Teach has started a new photo meme?
I agree -- sepia works very well with this shot. Probably even better than B&W (which I rarely ever say).
Lovely shot... just wonderful.
Sigh, it's hard to part with books--old or new. I'm glad you could pass them along.
Hi Robin. Very nice to meet you through Sepia Scenes. Your books are a great image for this theme. Loved your account of the book re-organization. It brought a memory smile to my lips. Been there. Annie **smiles**
Hi Robin,
Makes me think of the times spent years ago in a very small town library that I loved growing up.
Nice choice.
I would be in heaven surrounded by piles of books
I love your crossed out comments - hilarious
perfect shot for sepia
I am so there. We're moving, and have to sort through piles of books and magazines too. Somehow, it looks better in sepia.
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Great picture, and I hope you succeed in the rearranging! (something I should do too...)
Books are ageless,especially the good ones and I think sepia is a perfect format to put them in that timeless frame.
Robin, I'm laughing! I love the sepia shot of the books upsidedown! Thanks for joining us. I hope you continue to post for Sepia Scenes! :)
i'm in awe of the book collection! :) love the sepia tint, too!
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