Wednesday, October 8, 2008

WW - Silent Wood

Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying


Wendy said...

I have something for you at my place!! Great Wordless Wednesday!

Phyllis Sommer said...

mmm...beautiful. what a nice place to spend yom kippur....

magiceye said...


am speechless... thank you

Hagar's Daughter said...

Wow. Happy WW

Jenn in Holland said...

Neat shot. It carries a real mystical quality to it. Lovely.

Four-eyed-missy said...

I agree with Jenn... so still and quiet...

Rhonda Gales said...

Love the black and white effect. Great shot.

Pear tree cottage! said...

Your blog has been so lovely to visit today I have enjoyed looking through your past posts and feel I know you just a little bit!!

best wishes Lee-ann

Leora said...


Anonymous said...

So still and quiet! And I love that shot! Mine is posted HERE. Hope you drop by! Happy WW!~

Anonymous said...

That is lovely. Is it NH?

Anonymous said...

Robin, what with moving and my computer on the fritz and having to steal air time, I've been missing. I just went through all of your back posts. You've been busy!

You know, the news would have us believe that everyone in Israel lives in bomb shattered hovels in constant fear for their lives. Your blog is a spot of enlightenment.

earthlingorgeous said...

That is a great shot! Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Happy WW! Methinks that would be a scary place to get lost at night...

I invite your blog readers to see one result of our nation's economic crisis ... the Zero-Dollar bill. (smile)

peace, Villager

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Wow, Robin - that is a stunning shot! Very beautiful. :D

catsynth said...

That is a beautiful image. I am guessing it's a color photo, but with a really strong black-and-white contrast.

I do miss the image of snow, though not the cold...

Anonymous said...

i'm this a shot from the recent camping trip? it's beautiful.

Robin said...

Maribeth got it right - it's Cannon Mountain in NH. That's not snow, either, just a very foggy, hazy day :).

Head Gaggler said...

Wow, beautiful shot!!

Preethi said...


storyteller said...

I’m anything BUT wordless on both blogs today, but had to stop and acknowledged this ‘Perfectly Titled’ and gorgeous photo!
Hugs and blessings,

mimi11460 said...

Very beautiful view..see mine if you can thanks..