What a fascinating question - if I could live anywhere, in any time, what would I choose?
.It's actually a question I've given a fair amount of thought to over the years (I'm very good at escapist fantasies - they're much more fun than working). The trigger is often visual. I'll see a painting somewhere and dream of slipping right into the canvas. Sometimes it's a pastoral scene with a gently flowing brook, other times perhaps a masked ball with revelers in sumptuous costumes, the possibilities are endless. The costumes are key though - they MUST be as wonderful to wear as they are to look at. Above all they must not be too constricting - no tight necks or bodices. A girl's gotta breathe, and I have a real thing about anything touching my neck. I can't stand even the lightest touch, even a feather-weight necklace or a hairdresser's drape makes me feel as if I'm choking. The mere thought of a turtleneck leaves me gasping for breath.
.I think Roman gowns would be wonderful to wear, they look utterly delightful, especially when paired with all those magnificent ringlets and braids (Rome, anyone?). Medieval gowns too, all flowy and romantic. I've been imagining what it would be like to live in medieval times ever since I first visited the Renaissance Festival as a child, a fantasy that was only strengthened by the summer I spent working a crafts booth at the fair. Of course knowing me if I was magically transported to the days of yore I'd probably find myself a pock-marked, lice-infested, plague-suffering peasant, or since I'm Jewish it's more probable that I'd find myself being run out of town during one of the all-too-frequent expulsions, but it's a lovely fantasy if you don't delve too closely.
.Or the roaring twenties. Now that era seems like it must have been a fun one - flappers, jazz, boundaries and old world orders tumbling down, optimism and possibility around every corner... (Little did they know.)
Or perhaps the colonial United States, just before the war (no reason to sully my fantasy with murder and mayhem). For that one I've even already got the dress, handmade by my grandmother for the "bicentennial" birthday party I had in 1976 and complete with antique lace trim and a white lace bonnet. Of course I might have to alter it a bit, I was a lot smaller at age seven...
.Now it's your turn. Where, and when, would you go if you could?
I used to be that way about things around my neck (maybe we were hung in a previous life?), but lately I can do necklaces. Still don't like turtlenecks tho!
I would go back twenty-five years. I would go back and revel in my children, especially the one I lost. (Perhaps I could change things this time.) But I'd smell their freshly washed hair and touch their soft skin and hold both my girls close to me.
Hate turtlenecks. I often fantasize about time travel. I always wanted to be a member of the tonne in Europe and feel what it was like to have your whole day revolve around getting dressed for the evening. I'd also go way, way back to biblical times and learn all the real stories. As a child I wanted to be a southern belle and wear those gorgeous hoop skirt dresses, but my mom always pointed out that I would most likely be a chamber maid of some sort. Thanks mom. Great question!
From the trivial to the most important - we all have reasons for our disires and fantasies.
nice post Robin! I love the twenties too,I think that would have been my second choice! Perhaps you WERE around before and Decapitated in another life? who would like a tight neck after that?
What fun! I have to think about this one...
The twenties? Maybe...being a flapper might have been fun.
I think you are inspiring me to write again....dang it.
This was an enjoyable read!
There's so much to offer and I agree thinking about the clothes and costume makes it all the more difficult to choose!
It just has to be the twenties for me. Loved your post by the way!
I would go back to 18th century Europe and dance the night away in some grand ballroom in Austria.
I hadn't realized you'd lost a child Maribeth. How devastating. I'm so sorry.
Fun post! Cute dress! BJ
colonial US sounds like a fun place..may be somewhere in the west :)
I like wear you went with the prompt. I admire costume designers in movies. I am fascinated watching actors being dressed, like in "Elizabeth." Some periods were easier than others, for sure. :)
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin...the Declaration committee...that's where I'd go.
Or maybe to Washington DC, the White House 1861-19865...
Darling dress - and nice ideas. If we could only be sure it would work out like our dreams. Enjoyed your post!
I'd choose the years right after WW II, before the stupid 60s hit and everything hit the fan, back in the days of Hollywood Glamour, of American neighborhoods where people knew each other, where there were small neighborhood churches, you get the picture. Mayberry.
I'd go someplace where I could ride my bike everywhere I need to go. No traffic. No cars that would run over me. A small town. Lots of scenery. Don't know where that is though, do you?
I'd like to see a miracle, a God-came-down-and-parted the waters miracle. So where would that send me? To the burial cave on the third day? To the minutes after Buddha's birth, when he took his first steps?
I loved reading this! The thing about your neck... my mom had the same thing, and so do I. I can wear some things but they have to be very loose. Roman gowns sound perfect!
That dress your grandmother made is darling! What a special keepsake!
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