Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Competition

I stand ready, waiting. Toe on the starting line. My heart is pounding, adrenalin courses through my body. I slide my glance sideways and quietly eye up my competition. Yes, that one. She is the one to beat. I breathe deeply to center myself. My body is coiled like a spring, ready to fly forward at the sound of the starting gun. Why is it taking so long, what are they waiting for? I feel the sweat starting to slide down my forehead towards my eye, but I am afraid to break my concentration. To risk even a millisecond's delay when the gun finally sounds. It feels like an eternity. So much hangs on this one race. Fortunes will be decided, reputations made or broken. The pressure is intense and still growing with every passing moment.


The shot rings out and the racers burst forth.

The potato sack race has begun.

The Sunday Scribblings prompt for this week was competition.


Robin said...

Yay, it worked! :)

Nancy said...

Perfect! Written just as if you took those thoughts from an 8 year old, with heart pounding.

Cherie said...

Fantastic ... so real, golleeee that was such fun!

paisley said...

very well done... i was not expecting the twist at all!!!!

Beau Brackish said...

Ok, you got me to laugh out loud at the potato sack ending. That was a great buildup!

Tumblewords: said...

Gotta love that twist - I was near breathless waiting for the starter's gun!

Unknown said...

LOL! You have an uncanny way of throwing us all for a loop! LOVE IT!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Yes, that was a surprise! I next imagine the poor racer going to hop forward and then falling on her face (but maybe that is just a repressed memory).

Lucy said...

haha Very cute! All the pressure in that sack will make some great mashed potatos!

sandierpastures said...

You give potato sack runners the honor they deserve! ;-)

I have my take on Sunday Scribblings here:

Anonymous said...

Oh...smiling :)...and lots of memories too...thank you Robin.


Granny Smith said...

You had me fooled up to the last words! What a fun, well-written post!

Rob Kistner said...

Potato sack race... ;)

Anonymous said...

Great post which kept me hooked!

Go Compete

Jo said...

Hilarious.....I loved it.

josie2shoes said...

Loved it, loved it, so much intensity in preparing for that start! :-)

Cyn Bagley said...

I have competed in several potato-sack races. No never won. But it was exciting. :-)

Anonymous said...

Too funny! We used to do potato sack races at family reunions and I was always down after about 2 jumps! :) Everyone just aspires to my athleticism! hee...

Patois42 said...

I love it. Perfect. Well done. Best in show.

Kristi Tencarre said...

never guessed the ending! fun take on the prompt

tickledpink.nicole said...

OMG - this was hilarious! Thanks for the evening LAUGH!

Robin said...

Thanks everyone, I'm glad you liked it. I have to admit, it makes me giggle every time I read it too.

awareness said...

Love it! No matter what the race, I think we do feel those feelings!

It also reminds me of summer picnics....and warms me on such a cold winter morning here in frosty Canada.

i'm smiling too.

enjoy your week.

sister AE said...

excellent - of course you do know I could see the cinders on the track oval, the runners messing with their blocks, their spikes. right up until you pulled that potato sack over my head!

Linda Jacobs said...

All races are important in the potato sack of life!

great writing!

Fourier Analyst said...

Did you win? Come in top5? Or fall down and totally embarrass yourself.