Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tis the Season...

...for a really miserable cold/virus/something (please oh please don't let this turn into a full-blown flu). My head feels like it's got an iron vise squeezing the life out of it, so much so that it's literally forcing my eyes closed. What's left of the rest of my head is stuffed, my throat hurts, and every muscle in my body aches. Any joy I might have taken in this holiday season (and any cards I'd planned to send to celebrating friends) has gone into the bin with that last empty box of tissues. I've drunk enough tea to float a battleship, taken near-toxic amounts of Vitamin C, and swallowed pills by the handful, all to no avail. My nose looks like Rudolph's and my head... Let's just say that my head feels like it must have overdosed on Santa's special eggnog...

Sorry folks, I got nothing this week. I feel like the proverbial crap on a cracker. Hope you're all feeling and functioning better than I am in this holiday season.

Visit Writers Island to see what healthy people are saying about the season. I'm sure it will be more interesting than the drivel you've just read here.


Marja said...

Robin I wish you well and hope you feel better in time.

gautami tripathy said...

It will pass. It always does.

seasons of eternity

Rambler said...

get well soon Robin..wish you all the health

Prats said...

Aaaaw....hope you get better soon...the flu will pass and so will Rudolph visit you...until then, sing along...it'll make u sound better

Keith's Ramblings said...

'Tis also the season of goodwill, so may I wish you well!

Robin said...

I'm sorry you've got yourself a troll. They suck.

As for being sick for Christmas, it's not my holiday, so aside from not getting some cards out to some friends that's no biggie. We celebrated Hannukah last week before this hit so all's good there. I could use all the soup you've got right now though.

Nancy said...

It doesn't matter where we are in the world ... tis the season for colds and flus. It's been going around my family and work.

I hope it passes quickly and you feel better soon.

sandierpastures said...

Get well soon! Must be the weather that's causing the flu?

BTW, the kid's in the sidebar are so cute!

Robin said...

Thanks Grace, I just put that up there this morning. I can't for the life of me figure out why it's so small though! Any attempt to make it bigger (or use a file where the original is bigger) and it's all blurry. V frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Robin!! I hope you get to feeling better in no time at all. Rest! Rest! Rest!

Lis Garrett

Shannon said...

I'm sorry you are feeling so yucky. Gotta say that I love the "crap on a cracker" comment! Might have to use that one someday! Take good care of yourself and get well soon!

Jo said...

oh no, poor you, here's some virtual chicken soup and crackers,
and hugs too xxxxxx

Claremont First Ward said...

Hope you feel better soon. No one wants to feel like the proverbial crap on a cracker. (Still laughing at that by the tway).

Preethi said...

aaw robin..hope you feel better soon.. we have been brought down by the cold bug too ...

Poetic Trails

Richard Wells said...

Shalom, Robin. Colds are nasty tormentors, but you'll outlast them...

Space Mom said...

Feel better. Colds are terrible this time of year...

Anonymous said...

Here's to feeling better soon! :) I love that new picture of your kiddies on the left! Very cute!

Jen said...

Oh no! I know how difficult it is to get some rest right now, but please try! Moms shouldn't get sick. :(

Carol Anne said...

Feel better soon! I also have a cold, but nothing like yours. I'll share some chicken soup, my comforter and a good movie.

Mary Timme said...

I hope you get well soon. Any holiday spent ill is not fun. Feel better I hope.

RivkA with a capital A said...

Try eating raw garlic

1 clove a day for maintenance

2 cloves a day for relief of cold symptoms

One tasty way to eat this:
butter a piece of bread (toast is even better), layer thinly sliced garlic on top and sprinkle with salt.


(not my original ideas -- both are from LLL leaders)


Btw, you inspired me -- I wrote an entire blog posting about using the slow cooker (I credite you and linked to your blog)

RivkA with a capital A said...

Try eating raw garlic

1 clove a day for maintenance

2 cloves a day for relief of cold symptoms

One tasty way to eat this:
butter a piece of bread (toast is even better), layer thinly sliced garlic on top and sprinkle with salt.


(not my original ideas -- both are from LLL leaders)


Btw, you inspired me -- I wrote an entire blog posting about using the slow cooker (I credite you and linked to your blog)

Tumblewords: said...

wishing you homemade chicken soup and clean crackers. and a hopped up immune system. be well...

Anonymous said...

I have to mention that you write very well even when you're sick. Your creative mind is never sick as evident in this affecting piece. I don't mind getting infected with your contageous writing genius and wit. Get well soon so we could read some more of your inspiring works; how much more if you feel better.

Here's some pill I could offer to somehow ease your discomfort: "My first Snow" please click link below:


I wish you well this season.

~ Jeques

Lori said...

Bah Humbug! I'm so sorry you are not well. Sending healthy wishes from Dallas, TX.

Beau Brackish said...

Hope you feel better soon, Robin. This time of year is a killer on the immune system, especially when you have school aged kids in the house. Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, bummer. Take it easy and you'll bounce back, but if you don't take it easy it won't be as quick, so take it easy. ;)

Nicholas said...

Go to bed, drink liquids, and get your family to wait upon you hand and foot!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Hugs and loads of warm blankets to you! Hope you feel better soon!

Head Gaggler said...

Oh no. I hope it moves through quickly!

Pieces of Me said...

'Targishi tov!"

Anonymous said...

Poor you...hope this finds you feeling much better. I have been behind reading blogs for the same reason, my daughter was taken to ER on monday night and had an onset of pnuemonia, very early stages following cold and cough... she is on the mend now, but I am with you, it is indeed the season for cold and flu!!

Take care, drink plenty of fluids and lots of rest,


Anonymous said...

Drown the blighter Robin, any white spirit for medicinal purposes only ... hope you're well soon!