Thursday, October 16, 2008

TT - Random Meme on Steroids

Follow That Dog just tagged me for a six random things meme, and since I hadn't done a meme for a while and didn't have anything lined up for this week's Thursday Thirteen I figured I'd go for broke and give you not six but thirteen, yes thirteen, random facts about me me me. Now, to come up with them...

1. It drives me crazy when tv writers don't fact-check well enough. I'm sitting here watching CSI New York as I type and they keep talking about the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, putting emphasis on the hard g. The thing is, the g is supposed to be silent, the word is actually pronounced "Aya".

2. I know this because before I had kids I spent the better part of a year working in Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

3. It's not nearly as exciting as it sounds.

4. My husband took my son to the championship soccer match between the Israeli and Italian youth (up to age 21 so including several stars). Last time I flipped channels, we were losing 3 -1 with not much time left.

5. I was all set to eat a salad for dinner tonight (not my usual fare and I was feeling quite virtuous) when I found a nasty caterpillar in the bag - and caterpillar poop all over the place.

6. Needless to say I didn't have salad after all.

7. At that point nothing really appealed and I ended up eating a bowl of honey nut cornflakes.

8. Now it's a few hours later and I'm hungry but still nothing appeals.

9. Not even the delicious fresh sourdough bread that Jay made earlier today.

10. Maybe it's because I have a headache.

11. We finally found a pullout couch that will fit in our very small and overcrowded guest/computer/storage/bicycle room, but it's from Ikea.

12. I really don't like shopping at Ikea.

13. But it's probably better than telling my parents they have to sleep on the floor next time they visit. Maybe. If I don't have to go on a Friday. I think. (Luckily my parents don't read this blog. Heck, they don't even know about it.)

There, that's thirteen. Done. Not exactly Shakespeare. What can I say, such is my oh so fascinating life. Hey, how about this? Instead of tagging, why don't you guys each leave me one fascinating fact about yourselves in the comments. Come on, you know you wanna... Pleeeeeeease...


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Here ya go: Random fact:

I quit volunteering with the Girl Scouts.

Long story why and you didn't ask for the story, just the fact.

Robin said...

You tease you! No way can you not tell after that intro.

Jill said...

I have never made sugar cookies before... and I'm baking them for my daughter's class for the first time today.

Why am I so nervous about that?

SandyCarlson said...

I hope you found something good to eat!

A fascinating fact about me, me, me.....

I love bread of any kind....with salad without caterpillars.

anthonynorth said...

No salad for me today. Then again, I never have salad anyway :-)

Anonymous said...

Hope your migraine is better. I get them all the time, unfortunately.
Gray and rainy here today.
Going to Canoe on Saturday night!

Mia Celeste said...

Thanks for sharing. It's fun to learn a little about the people I visit. Hope you feel better soon and happy TT!

michelle said...

I have never been to Ikea...imagine that? I am glad you found a couch that will work for you....p.s. I came over to visit from Fond of Snape's blog!

storyteller said...

I enjoyed learning more about you today … am very sorry about the caterpillar (and poop) in the salad bag. Hope today’s a better day ;--)
Hmmm ... random fact about me (let's see) ... I often eat cereal for dinner myself (usually with some fruit) just because.
Hugs and blessings,

Hootin Anni said...

Ewwwwwwww, #5 gagged me. I wouldn't eat bagged salad right now if they paid me. LOL

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my Thursday blog. You made my day!! Hope your day treats you well.

Darla said...

Oh, I hate Ikea, too. Most times, shopping here in Germany can be made less painful by going on an American holiday (meaning we have the day off, but Germans don't). That's not the case with Ikea. Whenever I've gone, the track you have to walk around is so crowded that it's a major effort to try to get to something on the other side of the aisle, and forget about going back even a couple of steps if you missed something. There's no slowing down to look at anything, either--you're just carried along by this incredible wave of humanity. *shudder*

My random fact: by the time of our next scheduled move, I'll have spent nearly 1/3 of my life here in Germany.

Anonymous said...

Now I feel justified in never eating salad from one year to the next!

Random fact.... um..... At Ikea in North London many years ago, when I was eating in the canteen there, I saw Helen Mirren at the next table.

Janet said...

blech, #5 grosses me out so much I can't even comment on anything else LOL! Not even the sourdough...sigh...

pussreboots said...

Caterpillar poop washes off but I can understand not wanting the extra effort with a migraine.

Happy TT.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

oh boy i would have been aggggrrhhhh ed out too

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I've been having a migraine week myself, and think of how many miles are between us. Mine is usually triggered by the weather - does that happen with you?

You're not going to be able to relate to this at all, but one of my favorite things in the world is going to IKEA. Perhaps North Americans insist on being able to short cut to the marketplace and warehouse, because you can bypass the strolling if you want - in Toronto, at least. And I'm not in Toronto now, so I miss my IKEA.

Random fact: I've already started putting together a Christmas music playlist on my YouTube page. Scary, I know.

Patsy said...

What a fun tt. I've done some totally random ones too. Yours is better. :) Maybe you are just a better random than I am. I tend to over explain. See I'm doing it now. Have a good evening.

Lori said...

Happy TT my friend and thanks for stopping by. Sometimes, cornflakes are all you need. I love cereal:)

Anonymous said...

Random fact? Ay yi yi... I'm looking into an additional day of preschool for J so I can have my brain back. It's being held hostage by a four year old tyrant. LOL

anymommy said...

My random fact is that I am nearly always cold in my house, including right this instant! And, I'm horrified about your caterpillar.

Phyllis Sommer said...

random fact: i have a minor facebook addiction.

shabbat shalom!

Anonymous said...

i'm with you on the ikea thing. it's so overwhelming! i rarely go, but when i do, i can't wait to get out! :)