I'm not a huge tea drinker but I've been sick a lot lately and so haven't been able to indulge my coffee addiction as much as usual. I was looking for a good hot drink I could have in the evenings without then being up all night.
Enter red tea.

Red tea, also called rooibus or bush tea (which any fan of the Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency would know is Precious Ramotswe's beverage of choice), comes from the Cedarburg region of South Africa. It's delicious, almost a bit sweet, not at all bitter, and it's naturally 100% caffeine-free. It's even chock full of healthy anti-oxidants. I haven't tried it iced yet, but I'm thinking that will be pretty darn tasty too.
Red tea - it works for me.
Visit Rocks In My Dryer to see what works for everyone else.
Photo courtesy of Stock Food.
red tea is amazing!!! i love White tea too, but it's terribly expensive!
I have not tried Red Tea, but I am going to. I have just been drinking hot water lately at night so I will give it a try.
Thanks for stopping by!
I love your Coffe cup picture.
Thanks for the heads up! I'm going to try it.
I am so clueless about teas, I just "discovered" pomegranate tea (which I love) and have been drinking it for weeks now.
I typically drink green or white but when I remember, I hunt down the red and I am always so glad! It is so good and SO good for us!
I love red tea too, but haven't bought it yet. What brand do you like, and do you add anything or just drink it straight?
I've been buying Wissotsky's brand, but that's an Israeli brand and may not be available wherever you are.
Nope, I am aparently the last person to have discovered it. I am going to have to try it!
Red tea sounds delicious. I've had white and green tea. Now, I am going to try and find some.
Thanks Robin for the tip.
BTW~ Your photo is beautiful, and so is your smile.
I prefer red tea iced, but it's good either way. Celestial Seasonings has a selection of inexpensive flavored red teas.
I love the Roobios teas from Teavana, and I didn't know they were also called red teas. They're delicious.
I don't think I've ever seen red tea. Now I'm gonna have to look for it when I shop again.
Wow, I'm going to have to try this. I'm wondering if I'll find it at my regular grocery or if I'll have to head over to one of those fancy shmancy ones. :) I have a very cool new loose tea spoon that I've been wanting to try out anyhow.
I drink it all the time cos it's decaff....plus I drink earl grey decaff....oh, and decaff coffee.......do you see the theme? Any more than one shot of caffeine in the morning and I'm done in...old age is wonderful.
I love Earl Grey decaf but you can't find it here.
I do have some amazing decaf black tea that Jay's aunt gave me when we were in SF. I have no idea what it is though, she buys it in bulk and gave me a sackful.
sounds good. i've never heard of it, but i'll try it. i avoid cafeine since breast cancer chemo last year.
+ the more antioxidants the better :)
be my valentine + come by my blog :)
I like green tea. Thanx for stopping by my blog!
Red tea is ok. Just remember that it is not made from the tea plant Camellia Something. So its more like a herbal tea. If you want a red tea with the health benefits of green tea I suggest you try something like this - hojicha. Its actually a roasted green tea, but the brewed product ends up red.
Ever since I moved to South Africa and I tried Rooibos tea, I'm hooked on it. I drink about 4 to 5 cups of Rooibos tea a day. I love it. That's been going on for a year now. Still works for me.
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