This is the drain guard. Poor thing just couldn't stand up to the sheer quantities of leaves that blew down in the storm. (We had a much bigger flooding problem before we got this, but it can only do so much before it too gets blocked.)

I finally got that sorted out and was about to head back in before my toes got frostbite, when I glanced at the other end of the roof and saw this:

Do you have any idea how heavy a palm tree is? I couldn't pick that thing back up to save my life. It's still sitting there perched on, and probably breaking, my clementine tree. Once Jay gets home tonight I'll have to send him out there.
Oh, and did I mention that the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom is leaking from somewhere, either my roof (which will need to be fixed at my expense) or somewhere on the common roof (not expensive but a real pita to get identified and fixed)?
Anyone have a big mug of mulled whine wine they'd like to share?
Poor tree.
Poor you.
Hang in there!!!
Of course I have a good stock of wine available, Help yourself!
Sorry you are having such a bad day. Hope things get nicer soon!
All was workable until the water leak ... bring on the grog!
Hey, your drain guard is really cute! Hope your superhero gets home soon to pick up that palm!
And.....hope the roof issues are very, very minor!
brrrr...hope you don't catch cold!
I was once assistant to an 18" deep roof flood removal effort that temporarily broke up a dinner party so that we could all don rain gear and help bail with buckets. The water was so deep that it was pouring over the raised door ledge and into the bedroom and floating away the parquet. And that was in Madison, WI, of all places! Your drain guard is invaluable. Hope your toes are okay. :)
Oh no! I have all kids of weather/home issues myself so I am feelin' for ya! Hope it doesn't get any worse!
anyhing I see now that is Israel related makes me a bit homesick even pictures like those.
I just hope your tree gets propped up soon!
We did have a flood like that a few years ago - no parquet, but the way we found out it was flooded (in the middle of the night nonetheless) was when Jay went to go downstairs and found himself sliding head over heels down them instead as icy cold water poured all around! We're a bit rightfully paranoid now. Thank goodness for drain guards!
I'm going to have to dig up some pictures of what our yard and roof looked like after Hurricane Wilma.
That is the cutest little drain guard I've ever seen!
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