Wednesday, July 25, 2007

TT#23 - The disaster zone that is my dining room table

I was trying to decide on a topic for this week's Thursday Thirteen. Hmmm... Should it be my favorite characters from literature? Summertime activities? Things I plan to do with my daughter while my husband and son are in the States for a wedding?

Nothing really struck my fancy though. That's when it hit me. I should be looking closer to home. And so I give you...

13 pieces of crap that are currently taking over my dining room table

1. Sale flyer from some supermarket I don't shop in (found it in my mailbox yesterday)

2. 2 cd's that hold my backed up photos for the past 5 years (yup, that's a good safe place for them)

3. A toy rainstick (a/k/a a brightly colored plastic piece of crap toy

4. 3 pens (two felt-tip and one ball point, in case you're curious)

5. The current issue of Budget Travel magazine, which I can't get rid of because my cleaner wants it

6. My husband's cellphone

7. A small green and pink mouse made of plastelina clay that my son brought home from camp last week

8. Several pieces of mail, including a postcard of a family of bears that my parents sent the kids from Alaska

9. An envelope containing all of my daughter's paperwork for her evaluation by the Child Development Agency

10. An empty water bottle

11. A dishtowel

12. My keys

13. Assorted computer paraphernalia

You'll note that none of these items actually pertain to food. It was too much trouble to clear them away before dinner so we ate at the island. Please tell me I'm not the only one who lives this way and has to frantically run around and straighten when company is expected.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Lori said...

Dont feel bad...your not alone;)lol...Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely not alone in that one. Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

You are not alone, babe. My hubby uses the dining room table as his work station when he works from home!

Happy TT!

Unknown said...

very honest list! I could do this to any room of my house..haha!

Anonymous said...

Let me check my dining table: 15 stuff on it...

I win?


Suprina said...

You really don't EVEN want to see my dining room....
It has become a catch all!

Happy Thursday Thirteen!

pussreboots said...

Wait a minute... you were describing my table. LOL!!! Happy TT.

Gattina said...

Instead of listing all things which are on your table you could have cleaned it in this time, lol !

deedee said...

At our house, it's the island that is a catch all for miscellaneous crap.

Anonymous said...

You are so not alone. On my DR table right now, one potholder, 1 empty roll from paper towels, 1 stinky candle burned down, opps, two more potholders, last weeks local paper unread, 1 pair of my pants, large set of markers, empty gift bag from my b'day, cd holder with Girls cd's, misc.papers, and other asssorted junk. We push it to the end and eat there. We're disgusting, evidentally.

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

My counter is buried! Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

It's my kitchen counter-tops that are covered. I've started to try and keep it contained to a big basket on top of my counter-tops, but I really should throw so much of it out... Parting with those grocery fliers is just so hard :)

Maude Lynn said...

Great list! For some reason, my daughter loves to pile her toys on the table, then insist that they not be moved!

Anonymous said...

Hey I have to bustle around just for meetings at the office. You are far from alone.


Anonymous said...

Great list. My kitchen table is often just as cluttered, but I have no children to "blame" for it.

And I can't believe I didn't include Magenta on my own list, since that's the color of my hair.

Susan Demeter said...

Your table sounds like my home office desk! ... :) Happy TT!

Erin the Innocent said...

Don't feel bad. You're not alone :)

Janet said...

What, no picture? You should see my table, ROFLMAO!

JAM said...

Yep, welcome to America, where a kitchen table is a flat surface to hold junk, not to hold family meals.

We recently bought a really nice new table and chairs, so we're still in the mode of not putting junk on the new table. But eventually, like we started drinking Cokes in the new cars, it will be piled up with junk before too long.

Anonymous said...

Mine's worse. Much worse. Though it's mostly unsorted mail and candy wrappers and me sitting here typing!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty much what my entire living room looks like at the moment! :) I hate cleaning up...even attempting to de-clutter-- makes me tired just thinking about it.

I haven't participated in TT in a while, but I finally managed to get my butt in gear this week! :)

impwork said...

Mine was a similar disaster until I attacked it a couple of weeks ago now I only have about a dozen other places to get on top of sorting out.

Anonymous said...

LOL! You are SO not alone! I have a pile of junk mail to sort through. A scrapbooking mag, my laptop box, 3 library books,2 toothbrushes, and one pen!

Happy Thursday!

Mz Jackson said...

Hey your table sounds an awful lot like mine. Except yours is cleaner!

Lisa Andel said...

Oh, good lord no. I make you look like a clean freak. I'd need several TT-13's to list everything on my table. I have to do the "hide everything" when company comes. Too much stuff to put where it should really go.

Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that. :P

JHS said...

Great idea! Maybe I'll steal it next week and list all the crap on my desk (unless I get inspired and clean it off first . .. yeah, like that'll happen).

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

You are not the only one who lives that way. Feel better now? LOL

Shari said...

oh yeah, welcome to my world! My kitchen island is far worse then your dining room table!

Kim said...

I would need to start a whole new blog to list all the crap on my table right now. It's horrible.

Scribbit said...

YOu need a big hockey stick to sweep all that stuff away then it would be clean. Can't saw much for the floor . . .

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

At least you can SEE your dining room table! Mine's buried in all sorts of scrapbooking gear.